Getting in Shape is Hard, and it’s Not Your Fault: 3 Factors Holding You Back

Are you trying to get in shape? Feeling discouraged and frustrated with a lack of results? You're not alone. The reality is that getting in shape is hard, and it’s not your fault. 3 major factors are making it difficult for you to achieve your health and fitness goals. Let's delve into these challenges in more detail.

  1. The Food Industry

Food companies have found ways to make their products irresistible by carefully balancing sugar, salt, and fat to maximize taste. This, along with the increased portion sizes, has contributed to the current obesity epidemic, with over 42% of adults in the United States being classified as obese. The food industry heavily markets unhealthy food choices, making it challenging for individuals to make informed and healthy decisions. Furthermore, many processed foods contain high levels of added sugars and unhealthy fats, which are major contributors to weight gain and chronic diseases.

  1. Modern Lifestyle

Our sedentary habits, such as prolonged periods of sitting and screen time, along with snacking, have contributed to a decline in physical activity levels. Prolonged sitting increases the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. The fast-paced nature of modern life makes it difficult to prioritize exercise and prepare healthy meals, leaving many individuals feeling overwhelmed and unable to make significant progress. Additionally, the convenience of takeout and delivery services has contributed to an increase in calorie intake, making it even more challenging to maintain a healthy diet.

  1. Education

Finally, the lack of proper education on health, exercise, and nutrition is a significant issue. Many individuals are not equipped with the knowledge and information necessary to make informed decisions about their health and fitness. This can lead to confusion and ineffective approaches, causing frustration and ultimately hindering progress. Additionally, many health and fitness trends and fads can be misleading, providing false information and leading individuals down the wrong path. A proper understanding of nutrition, exercise, and the human body is crucial in ensuring that you can make informed decisions and achieve your fitness goals.

Once you have a clear understanding of these challenges, you can start to identify solutions and take control of your health and fitness. By fixing your diet, prioritizing exercise, and educating yourself on health, exercise, and nutrition, you can overcome these obstacles and achieve your goals. Remember, every victory counts, so be kind to yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

We here at The Fitness Tech are here to help. We specialize in transforming how you look and feel by providing professional coaching for exercise, nutrition, and accountability.  

Our 6-Week Transform Program may be the perfect jump start you’re looking for. Get more info here.


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