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Transforming your body boils down to what you eat and how you exercise.  

Changing your diet and workout habits isn’t simple, but the concepts are. Your body will change if you lift weights, eat more veggies and protein, and live an active lifestyle.

Outside of diet and exercise, there are ways to speed up your transformation results. These are the things that your food and lifestyle will not likely cover. They are the habits and supplements that will turbo-boost your transformation.

Nutrition + workouts + boosters = the fastest results possible.

Here are your boosters:

Use promo code FITTECH for 10% off anytime you purchase something from our links


You can’t overstate the importance of sleeping at least 7 hours every night. Consistent quality sleep fills you with energy, stimulates muscle repair, and replenishes the vital hormones that build muscle and lose fat. You must get at least 7 hours of sleep EVERY night to get the full benefits. If you aren’t sleeping right, your tranformation will suffer. Sleep is the most important link in your transformation chain.

Here are some tips for better sleep:

  • Get early morning sun on your skin and eyes to prime your body and hormones to fall asleep at night.

  • Get in bed at least 8 hours before you have to wake up.

  • Keep your sleep and wake-up schedule times consistent every day.

  • Avoid screens an hour before bed.

  • Keep your room cool and as dark as possible to promote deeper sleep.

  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon.

  • Avoid eating, alcohol, and marijuana 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Check out Transparent Labs Sleep Aid for extra help with your sleep. It provides proven ingredients that promote deep, restorative sleep to speed up your transformation. Get it here. (use promo code FITTECH for 10% off).


You know you should drink lots of water daily, but are you doing it? Staying hydrated will increase energy, support your immune system, improve joint function, and aid in fat loss, plus many more amazing things.  

You should drink at least 50% of your body weight in ounces every day. So if you way 150 lbs, you should drink at least 75 ounces. And by water, we mean water. Other beverages do not do the job water does.

But, only drinking plain water is NOT the best way to hydrate. Your body needs electrolytes to ensure fluids stay in the body and are not lost when you urinate. Electrolytes are key for proper hydration, especially on days you work out at TFT.

Check out Hydrate V3 to keep your hydration on track. Get it here. (use promo code FITTECH for 10% off).

Protein Powder

Protein is the most vital macronutrient for your transformation. Prioritize protein in every meal as it is the building block for muscle tissue. The protein goals provided to you are, most likely, more than you are used to. It can be challenging to get all that protein down in one day. If this is the case for you, it is wise to use a protein supplement.

But, not all protein supplements are created equal. Most of them are garbage and ineffective. When you read the label of a protein supplement, here’s what you want to see:

  • 20-30 grams of protein per serving

  • 100-200 calories per serving

  • Less than 5 grams of sugar per serving

  • Is an isolate or concentrate and NOT a blend

  • No artificial sweeteners like sucralose

  • Doesn’t have a long ingredients list

If your protein doesn’t check all of the above boxes, you are wasting your money.  Transparent Labs protein supplements check all these boxes. They have a grass-fed whey and a plant-based option. We carry protein at TFT and sell it for a big discount for Transform members.

*Use promo code FITTECH for 10% off when purchasing online.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in making new muscle, can lead to increases in strength, and optimizes your body’s natural muscle-building hormones. The most deficient will see the most benefit which is good news because most people are vitamin D deficient.  

You can get enough vitamin D through sunlight on your skin for about 15 minutes a day and by eating fatty fish and eggs. If you can't get into the sun or eat fish and eggs, you can supplement it.

We recommend a high quality vitamin D supplement you can find here (use promo code FITTECH for 10% off).


Creatine is an amino acid that helps build muscle. You get it naturally from the food you eat. You store creatine in your muscles as it is one of your natural sources of energy for muscle contractions.  

Most people do not get enough creatine from their diets, so supplementing is a good idea to maximize your muscle-building potential. Creatine is safe and is the most studied muscle-building supplement on the planet. Be sure to use the monohydrate form. And yes, it’s perfectly safe for women.

Our recommendation for a creatine supplement is HMB Creatine. Get it here (use promo code FITTECH for 10% off).


Fiber slows down the absorption of nutrients which helps maintain your blood glucose levels, preventing you from gaining unwanted fat. You get fiber from mostly whole foods. It’s difficult, however, to eat enough whole foods to get the proper amount of fiber to fully benefit.  Since there’s a good chance you aren’t getting enough fiber in your diet, taking a supplement is a good idea.

Prebiotic Greens provides a blast of whole foods and fiber. Get it here (use promo code FITTECH for 10% off).

Omega 3

Omega 3s are essential fatty acids that play important roles in your body and provide many health benefits such as:

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Increased brain health

  • Protection against diseases like cancer and heart disease

  • Increased eye health

  • Decreased depression and anxiety

You have to get omega 3s from your diet. Common foods that contain omega-3s are fatty fish, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. If you don’t eat these types of foods, chances are you aren’t getting enough omega 3s. If this is the case, it would be wise to supplement.

We recommend the krill oil form Transparent Labs as an omega-3 suppplement. Get it here (use promo code FITTECH for 10% off).

Let us know if you need help with any boosters!