Buns & Guns

2 of the most common questions we get at TFT are, “how do I get a better butt?” and “how do I get rid of arm flab?”. To solve these 2 problems, we created the Buns & Guns program- an easy to follow system to build up your glutes, biceps, and triceps.

What is it?

Buns & Guns is an assistance program to do in addtition to your TFT workouts. It helps make your glutes and arms firmer and more defined. This program is made up of home exercises, simple nutrtition guidlines, and lifestyle hacks to buld the buns and guns of your dreams…fast!

Who is it for?

Buns & Guns is for TFT members looking to improve the appeareance of their glutes and arms.

How does it work?

Once you sign up for Buns & Guns, you will be given access to a private website that houses all of the information on exercises, nutrtition, and lifestyle hacks to build your arms and backside . Do the simple, quick workouts on the days you don’t workout at TFT and follow the nutrtition and lifestyle guidlines to streamline your results.

What do you get with it?

Buns & Guns includes private website access, exercises & workouts, easy & flexible nutrition guidlines, lifestyle hacks, and support from TFT trainers the entire time.

How can you get it?

Become a member of TFT and join the Buns & Guns progam.