No Gym, No Problem

Dumbbell Workouts

If you have a set of dumbbells, then you can do these workouts. If you only have one weight, you can always increase the intensity by slowing your reps down and pausing at the hardest parts of the exercise. If an exercise requires a bench but you don’t have one, you can perform it on the floor.

Start every workout with the movement prep then choose the light, medium, or difficult workout. Click on each exercise if you want to see how it’s done.

Movement Prep

Complete as a circuit (one exercise after the other) for 1 set.

Light Workout

Complete as a circuit (i.e.- perform each exercise on the list = 1 set), resting as much as needed between exercises for 3 sets. 

Medium Workout

Complete each pair of exercises (super sets) back to back with out rest, then rest for up to a minute for 4 sets before moving on to the next pair.

1a. Goblet Squat x10-15
1b. Chest Fly x10-15

2a. Hip Hinge x10-15
2b. Bent Row x10-15

3a. Lunge x10 per side
3b. Standing Shoulder Press x10-15

4a. Standing Curl x10-15
4b. Overhead Tricep Extension x10-15

5a. Chop x10 per side
5b. Alternating V Up x5-10 per side

Difficult Workout

Complete each pair of exercises (super sets) back to back with out rest, then rest for up to a minute for 4 sets before moving on to the next pair.

1a. Lunge x10 per side
1b. Hip Hinge x10-15

2a. Chest Press x10-15
2b. Chest Fly x10-15

3a. Bent Row x10-15
3b. Shrug x10-15

4a. Standing Shoulder Press x10-15
4b. Side Shoulder Raise x10-15

5a. Standing Hammer Curl x10-15
5b. Lying Tricep Extension x10-15

6a. Russian Twist x5-10 per side
6b. Leg Lift x10-20